“In order to elevate the experiences and suppressed voices of victims and survivors of human trafficking, we rely heavily on collective narratives and shared lived experiences to draw out the insights, leadership, wisdom, and courage of these remarkable human beings.”
Araceli Alonso
Welcome to Social Transformations to End Exploitation and Trafficking for Sex or STREETS, a signature project of the UW-Madison 4W Initiative. The 4W-STREETS project is a local to global and research to action initiative to foster social transformations that contribute to ending human trafficking related to sexual exploitation. The initiative was designed as a platform for knowledge exchange between UW-Madison and civil society including service providers, survivors, advocates, and other stakeholders. Through STREETS we have taken an innovative approach to social transformation through education, engagement, and action research grounded in the perspectives and preferences of survivors. Though much of our work focuses on women and girls, we work to end trafficking for people of all genders.